At Wealth + Hellness we wanted to make a trim accessory for our products. Which we would use to differentiate from competitors and increase product value in the eye of the customer.
This led to us designing, sourcing and productionisng the WH+ Insignia badges.

I worked a few variations of the brand logos into 3D concepts, narrowing it down to the triangle design which complimented the WH+ logo the most. The shape would also allow us to fill the center with enamel.
I then used 3D design software to create a manufacturable design. Adding bevel features to add reflection points on the badge when chromed.
Watch the CAD process here

I benchmarked a few different fixing methods and it wasn't clear which would be optimal vs respecting aesthetics. I had some prototypes 3D printed to test them. Between studs, sewing and a heat adhesive, we selected a combination of sewing & heat adhesive.

While we were prototyping we started sourcing suppliers. We narrowed it down to two suppliers and ordered samples.
Supplier-A didn't match our standards (i'm not sure if they even used the 3D file we sent them), but Supplier-B did and exceeded our expectations
We also made a choice to use transparent enamel vs solid enamel, as it added an extra depth to the badges.
So far every product we've launched with the insignia badge has sold out. It's also been really popular with other creators/artists which is promising for our overall brand desirability.